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Articles written by Clare and published by
"The Equine Journal"

Equine Journal Trainer Q & A-Questions #1-5

5 Questions presented to Clare by The Equine Journal

Best from CD website Chibs headshot competing at Fairwind.jpg


My green horse does not like to take hold of the bit, any suggestions on how to fix this? 


How can I begin to teach my horse a true
collected canter?

Best from CD website C and Titan competing at Fairwind3.JPG
Best Mason and Ames3 (1).jpg


When and how should I introduce lateral work
in my horse's
training routine?


What are some tips you can give me on how to ride a focused dressage test on a green horse?

Best Clare and Titan2 resized.jpg
Best Beauties.JPG


My mare has a tendency to swing her haunches in when we canter, how can I straighten her body? Are there any exercises that I can do to help her?

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